complete-guide-on-web-accessibility complete-guide-on-web-accessibility

by Anonymous

What is web accessibility?

Web accessibility means that people with disabilities can use websites and web tools without difficulty.

This post is a continuous work in progress.

Where to start?

Web accessibility fundamentals are covered in the guide provided by Google and the course provided by Udacity / Google. Both are free.

Web Accessibility Tools?

General Validation Tools : not necessarily related to accessibility, but rather to web validation.

Color Contrast Checkers : Specific tools to detect contrast issues.

General accessibility validation tools : Check if the website is accessible to people with disabilities.

Screen Readers : Assistive technology that reads the content of a website.

Resources for General Validation Tools -

Tool ATool BTool C
LighthouseGTMetrixW3C HTML validator

Resources for Color Contrast Checkers -

Tool ATool BTool C
WebAIM color contrast checkerAccessible colorsChrome Developer Tools

Resources for General Accessibility Validation Tools -

Tool ATool BTool C
WebAIM WaveAxeHTML Code Sniffer

Resources for Screen readers -

  • NVDA - NVDA is a amazing tool. It is easy to use, reliable, and really powerful.

  • NVDA Shortcuts - NVDA has a great keyboard shortcuts.

  • ChromeVox - It is a Chrome extension used for accessibility. It’s functionality is very good, and it is a good way to test things faster.

  • VoiceOver

General Guidelines

Best practices




More useful links to help you get started with web accessibility:

Ben - Accessibility Advocate

Presentation on Accessible Web

MDN Docs