html-cheatsheet html-cheatsheet

by Vinay Ranjan

What is HTML ?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a markup language used to create web pages.

Current version is HTML5 which is supported by all the modern browsers.


Attribute NameDescription
<header>Denotes header of the webpage
<footer>Denotes footer of the webpage
<main>Denotes main section of the webpage
<article>It denotes the article section which can standout
<section>To create different sections in the webpage
<aside>Used to place items in a sidebar
<time>Used for formatting date and time
<figure>It is used for figures
<figcaption>Denotes the description of the figure in the webpage
<nav>USed for navigation links
<meter>To measure the data within the range
<progress>To create the progress bar
<dialog>Used to create the dialog box
<audio>Used for embedding the audio in the webpage
<video>Used for embedding the video in the webpage
<!--This is header -->
<header>I'm header.</header>
<!--This is nav -->
<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About us</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact us</a></li>
<!--This is main -->
<!--This is article -->
<p>Article content</p>
<!--This is section -->
<span>Inside section tag </span>
<p>Article content</p>
<!--This is aside -->
<p>Inside aside tag</p>
<!--This is footer -->
<footer>I'm footer.</footer>

Basic Tags :

  • <html>...</html> - This tag defines that the webpage is written
    in HTML. It appears at the very first and last line
    of every webpage.
  • <head>...</head> - It contains the meta data and the title of the webpage. It includes the webpage’s name,
    its dependencies (JS and CSS scripts), font usage etc.
  • <title>...</title> - This tag contains the title/name of the webpage. You can see this in your browser’s title bar for every webpage open in the browser.
  • <body>...</body> - Everything the user sees on a webpage is written inside this tag. It includes the main content of the webpage.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<!-- Body -->
  • <base/> - Used to specify the base URL of your site,
    this tag makes linking to internal links on your
    site cleaner.
  • <meta/> - It provides the information about the page’s author, keywords, original published date etc.
  • <link/> - It is used to link to scripts external to
    the webpage. Commonly used for linking the stylesheets.
  • <style>...<style/> - It is the alternative to
    an external stylesheet. Basically, it is used for inline styling directly in the html.
  • <script>...</script> - It is used to link to an external script to make the webpage more dynamic and interactive.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<base href="" target="_blank" />

<!-- One way to add styling to your page -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./style.css" />

<!-- One way to add script to your page -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var dummy = 0;

<!-- Another way to add styling to your page -->
body {
background-color: #ffffff;
<!-- Body -->
<!-- Another way to add script to your page -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./script.js"></script>
  • UTF-8 - It stands for UCS Transformation Format 8 is the World Wide Web’s most common character encoding. Each character is represented by one to four bytes. UTF-8 is backward-compatible with ASCII and can represent any standard Unicode character. See more.

Body attributes :

Attribute NameDescription
<body bgcolor=?>It is used to set the background color of the webpage. We can use name or hex value.
<body text=?>It is used to set the color of the text.
<body link=?>It is used to set the color of the links.
<body vlink=?>It is used to set the color of the visited links.
<body alink=?>It is used to set the color of the active links.
<body topmargin=?>It is used to set the top margin of the webpage.
<body leftmargin=?>It is used to set the left margin of the webpage.
<body marginwidth=?>It is used to set the width of the margin of the webpage.
<body marginheight=?>It is used to set the height of the margin of the webpage.
<body onload=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is loaded.
<body onunload=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is unloaded.
<body onbeforeunload=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is about to be unloaded.
<body onbeforeprint=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is about to be printed.
<body onafterprint=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is printed.
<body onbeforecopy=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is about to be copied.
<body oncopy=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is copied.
<body onbeforecut=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is about to be cut.
<body oncut=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is cut.
<body onbeforepaste=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is about to be pasted.
<body onpaste=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is pasted.
<body oncontextmenu=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the webpage is about to be opened in a context menu.
<body onmousedown=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the mouse button is pressed down.
<body onmouseup=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the mouse button is released.
<body onmouseover=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the mouse pointer is moved over the element.
<body onmousemove=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the mouse pointer is moved.
<body onmouseout=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the mouse pointer is moved out of the element.
<body onkeypress=?>It is used to set the function to be called when a key is pressed and released.
<body onkeydown=?>It is used to set the function to be called when a key is pressed down.
<body onkeyup=?>It is used to set the function to be called when a key is released.
<body onselect=?>It is used to set the function to be called when text is selected.
<body onchange=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the value of an element is changed.
<body onsubmit=?>It is used to set the function to be called when the form is submitted.

Document Structure :

  1. Headings - There are total six headings available in HTML.

  • h1 - <h1>Heading 1</h1>

  • h2 - <h2>Heading 2</h2>

  • h3 - <h3>Heading 3</h3>

  • h4 - <h4>Heading 4</h4>

  • h5 - <h5>Heading 5</h5>
  • h6 - <h6>Heading 6</h6>
  1. div tag - It is divides the content of the webpage into blocks.

<div>This is div</div>
  1. p tag - It is used to create a paragraphs.

<p>This is a paragraph</p>
  1. span tag - It is a container for inline content.

<span> This is span block </span>
  1. br tag - It is used for line breaks in webpage.

<br />
  1. hr tag - It is draws a horizontal line to indicate the end of the section.

<hr />

Text Formatting Tags :

They are used to format text or the data of the document.

  1. pre tag - It is represents pre-formatted text.

<pre> Hello World </pre>
  1. code tag - It is used to represent source codes.

<code> ... </code>
  1. b tag - It is make the text bold.

<b> I'm bold </b>
  1. strong tag - It is make the text important.

<strong> I'm strong </strong>
  1. i tag - It is make the text italic.

<i> I'm italic </i>
  1. em tag - It is make the text emphasized .

<em> I'm italic </em>
  1. sub tag - It is make subscript.

<sub> I'm subscript </sub>
  1. sup tag - It is make superscript.

<sup> I'm superscript </sup>
  1. tt tag - It is make typewriter-style text.

<tt> I'm typewriter text </tt>
  1. cite tag - It is creates citation.

<cite> I'm citation </cite>
  1. abbr tag - It is used to create an abbreviation.

<abbr> I'm abbreviation </abbr>
  1. acronym tag - It is used to create an acronym.

<acronym> I'm acronym </acronym>
  1. q tag - It is used to create a short inline quotation.

<q> I'm short inline quotation </q>
  1. blockquote tag - It is used to create a long quotation.

<blockquote>I'm long inline quotation</blockquote>
  1. del tag - It is used to create a deleted text.

<del> I'm deleted text </del>
  1. ins tag - It is used to create an inserted text.

<ins> I'm inserted text </ins>
  1. s tag - It is used to create a strikethrough text.

<s> I'm strikethrough text </s>
  1. u tag - It is used to create a underline text.

<u> I'm underline text </u>
  1. mark tag - It is used to create a marked text.

<mark> I'm marked text </mark>
  1. small tag - It is used to create a small text.

<small> I'm small text </small>
  1. dfn tag - It is used for definitions.

<dfn> I'm small text </dfn>
  1. font tag - It is used to define size, color and font.

/* Sets size of font - 1 to 7 */
<font size="?"></font>

/* Sets font color */
<font color="?"> </font>

/* Defines the font */
<font face="?"> </font>

Attribute NameDescription
<a href="">...</a>It is used to create a hyperlink.
<a href="mailto:">...</a>It is used for sending emails.
<a href="tel://###-###">...</a>It is used for mentioning contact numbers.
<a name="name">...</a>It is used to navigate quickly to the different parts of the webpage.
<a href="javascript:">...</a>It is used to create a link that calls a JavaScript function.
<a href="#name">...</a>It is used to navigate to the div section of the webpage.

Lists Tags :

Lists can be either numerical, alphabetic, bullet, or other symbols.

  1. ol tag - Ordered list starts with <ol> tag and each list item starts with <li> tag.

<li>Data 1</li>
<li>Data 2</li>
<li>Data 3</li>
  1. ul tag - Unordered list starts with <ul> tag and each list item starts with <li> tag.

<li>Data 1</li>
<li>Data 2</li>
<li>Data 3</li>
  1. li tag - Encompasses each list item.

<li>Data 1</li>
<li>Data 2</li>
  1. dl tag - It creates definition / description list and each term is defined by <dt> tag and each definition is defined by <dd> tag.

<dt>Data 1</dt>
<dd>Data 2</dd>
<dt>Data 3</dt>
<dd>Data 4</dd>

Media Tags

Image Tags :

It is used to embed or import image in a webpage.

Attribute NameDescription
<img />displays images in the webpage.
<img src="">It is used to specify the path to the location of the image on your computer or the web.
<img src="" alt="">It defines alternative text for the image if the image cannot be displayed.
<img src="" width="">It specifies the width in pixels or percentages for the image.
<img src="" height="">It specifies the height in pixels or percentages for the image.
<img align="">It is used for the relative alignment of the image.
<img border="">It is used to specify the border thickness of the image. If not mentioned, it defaults to 0.
<img hspace="">It is used to specify the horizontal space between the image and its surrounding text.
<img vspace="">It is used to specify the vertical space between the image and its surrounding text.
<img shape="">It is used to specify the shape of the image.

Audio Tag :

It is used to embed sound content in the document.

<audio controls>
<source src="demo.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
Your browser does not support the audio element.

Video Tag:

It is used to embed video in the webpage.

<video width="480" height="480" controls>
<source src="demo.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
Your browser does not support the video tag.

Forms Tag :

Form is used to collect user’s data.

Attribute NameDescription
<form>...</form>Parent tag for the HTML form
action="url"Url is where the data will be submitted when the user fills the form.
method=""It specifies which HTTP method (POST or GET) would be used to submit the form.
enctype=""Only for POST method, it dictates the data encoding scheme to be used when form is submitted.
autocompleteIt determines whether the form has autocompleted enabled or not.
novalidateIt determines whether the form should be validated before submission.
accept-charsetsIt determines character encoding when the form is submitted.
targetAfter submission, the form response is displayed wherever it refers to.
<fieldset>...</fieldset>Used to identify the group of all fields in the form.
<label>...</label>It is used to label a field in the form.
<legend>...</legend>It operates as a caption for the <fieldset> element.
<input />It is used to take the input from the user.
<form name="contact" method="POST">
<label>Your Name: <input type="text" name="name" /></label>
<label>Your Email: <input type="email" name="email" /></label>
Your Role:
<select name="role[]" multiple>
<option value="leader">Leader</option>
<option value="follower">Follower</option>

<label>Message: <textarea name="message"></textarea></label>
<button type="submit">Send</button>

Tables :

It is a collection of rows and columns which is used to represent data in tabular form.

  • <table> - Parent tag for the HTML table.
  • <thead> - Provides information for each column in a table.
  • <tbody> - Specifies the body or the content of the table.
  • <tfoot> - Specifies the footer information of the table.
  • <tr> - It denotes a single row in the table.
  • <td> - It denotes a single cell in the table.
  • <th> - It denotes the heading of the table column.
  • <colgroup> - It is used for grouping the columns together.
  • <col> - It is denotes column inside the table.
Demo Table