html-unicode-arrows html-unicode-arrows

by Shreyansh Jha

Hex CodeNameSymbol
←left arrow
↑up arrow
→right arrow
↓down arrow
↖north west arrow
&#8599north east arrow
↘south east arrow
↙south west arrow
↚leftwards arrow with stroke
↛rightwards arrow with stroke
↜leftwards wave arrow
↝rightwards wave arrow
↞leftwards two headed arrow
↟upwards two headed arrow
↠rightwards two headed arrow
↡downwards two headed arrow
↢leftwards arrow with tail
↣rightwards arrow with tail
↤leftwards arrow from bar
↥upwards arrow from bar
↦rightwards arrow from bar
↧downwards arrow from bar
↨up down arrow with base
↩leftwards arrow with hook
↪rightwards arrow with hook
↫leftwards arrow with loop
↬rightwards arrow with loop
↭left right wave arrow
↮left right arrow with stroke
↯downwards zizag arrow
↰upwards arrow with tip leftwards
↱upwards arrow with tip rightwards
↲downwards arrow with tip leftwards
↳downwards arrow with tip rightwards
↴rightwards arrow with corner downwards
↵downwards arrow with corner leftwards
↶anticlockwise top semicircle arrow
↷clockwise top semicircle arrow
↸north west arrow to long bar
↹leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar
↺anticlockwise open circle arrow
↻clockwise open circle arrow
↼leftwards harpoon with barb upwards
↽leftwards harpoon with barb downwards
↾upwards harpoon with barb rightwards
↿upwards harpoon with barb leftwards
⇀rightwards harpoon with barb upwards
⇁rightwards harpoon with barb downwards
⇂downwards harpoon with barb rightwards
⇃downwards harpoon with barb leftwards
⇄rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow
⇅upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow
⇆leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow
⇇leftwards paired arrows
⇈upwards paired arrows
⇉rightswards paired arrows
⇊downwards paired arrows